an interview with
Kay Frandsen - Minneapolis Entrepreneur & Owner of the
Wabi Sabi Shop.
The Women's Excelerator recently had the opportunity to sit down with Kay Frandsen from the Wabi Sabi Shop. The Wabi Sabi Shop is a Plymouth, Minnesota consignment shop offering high quality, gently used and reasonably priced home furnishings, artwork and accessories. Kay offers a unique environment to shop in and you are sure to enjoy the experience at her shop. Kay has been a avid supporter of The Women’s Excelerator program, and in fact has helped us facilitate our Writing Your Business Plan workshop (next scheduled for October 17th). We asked Kay to share with our audience a few words about what prompted her to start a business and to also offer any suggestions she might have for women who are considering starting their own business.
What motivated you to start your own business?
I was working as an interior designer for a large corporation when I was suddenly and without explanation laid off. It wasn’t the first time I’d received a “pink slip” but I vowed this was going to be the last time! I would no longer allow others to decide when I was or wasn’t going to work. I had just turned 50. For the next several months I was hurt, confused, depressed and angry. The heated indignation that smoldered inside during this time slowly turned into a controlled fire – a fire that motivated me to take control of my own destiny. I was determined to find the path that would fulfill me and carry me through the rest of my working career.
How did you finally decide what you wanted to do?
I’ve always believed we each have our own purpose to fulfill. Everyone’s purpose is different. Sometimes it’s a practical need or desire and at times is more of a dream or lifelong goal. In truth, it’s a combination of both. Think of the Yin/Yang symbol –
Did your business turnout to be your lifelong dream?
I honestly never dreamed of owning a furniture consignment shop. But by owning and running my business, the Wabi Sabi Shop, I am fulfilling my soul purpose. I am calling the shots. I am calling on every skill, talent and ability I’ve been given. I am in a creative atmosphere, meeting and talking with interesting people every day. I am contributing to my little world and receiving so much appreciation in return that I wake up smiling every morning. I know I am going to be doing something fun, new different, challenging and worthwhile. And I get to bring my dog with me to work every day, too!
What advice would you give others who want to start their own business?
The one thing you need to have to start your own business is a burning desire to transform your ideas into reality. Determination is the key along with Focus, Tenacity, Intuition and Discernment. These are critical capacities you’ll need to employ. So ask yourself (not your friends and family) whether starting a small business is right for you. You know better than anyone else, where your mind set truly is. If you want this more than anything else, you can do it!